Announcement of the IAPQAP programme
I would like to announce that IAPMD will embark on providing QAP for anat path labs for the country. I am sure you already know that we have made a trial run in 2015 and the results were presented at the AGM in September 2015 [you can view the summary here] . For the trial run the DVDs were distributed to 21 labs . At the last AGM we pledged to strengthen this program. In January this year, we run a questionnaire survey on your readiness to accept Malaysian QAP program [replacing RCPA of which all 35/35 anatomic pathology labs in Malaysia subscribe to] organized by IAPMD and majority of respondents (87%) agreed and ready to subscribe to this program. On 10th of January we had a meeting with Jabatan Standard Malaysia (DSM) seeking their advice on how to be a PT provider. following that DSM has listed us as one of PT (proficiency Testing) providers for medical testing [] Further discussion with DSM led to a 2 day seminar (13-14 March 2017) on ISO 17043 jointly organized by IAPMD and DSM. We invited 2 speakers from Thailand, Professor Pongsak who is ex-IAP Thailand President and chair of IAPTD QAP program. The Thai Division have been offering this service in Thailand. We also invited Dr Patravee, the director of Bureau of Quality Lab Standard from Thailand who is an expert on ISO 17403, the quality standard for PTP. This seminar was attended by council members of IAPMD, IAPMD QAP members and some heads of pathology labs in the country. At the end of the seminar, the conclusions could be summarized as below
Professor Dr. Nor Hayati Othman President, International Academy of Pathology Malaysian Division
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September 2024