I would like to share with readers on how the Malaysian Division of International Academy of Pathology was established. As early as 2007 there were rumbles and small discussions on setting up the Malaysian Division each time after we attended IAP meetings organized by country and regional divisions elsewhere in the world. It was not materialized until after the IAP meeting held in Cape Town in 2012. Three of us; Datuk Dr Norain Karim, Professor Dr Wong Kum Thong and myself had serious conversation on how to have it done. On returning from Cape Town, we went into full gear.
A meeting was held on 10 th of October 2013 in Universiti Sains Malaysia Kubang Kerian campus attended by 12 pathologists. In this meeting ten interim committee members were elected. They comprised of a good mix of pathologists working in universities, Ministry of Health and private laboratories. A month later, on November 14 th , 2013. the Malaysian Division of International Academy of Pathology [IAPMD] was legally registered with Registry of Societies of Malaysia.
Many of the interim council members became full council members when we had our first election in 2014 and subsequently many get re-elected after each term, till this day. Our first AGM was graced by the IAP President at that time, Professor Samir Amr. Currently there are 291 histopathologists registered as Life and Ordinary members which is about 85% of total histopathologists in the country. Though still young, the members are active in conducting academic activities, averaging 5-7 activities per year. The Annual Scientific meeting is held in different cities in Malaysia and the city where it will be held is announced four years in advance. Pathologists from the state where the city is located will be the responsible organization team for this annual event.
Election of Council Members
10 council members were elected. President : Prof. Dr. Nor Hayati Othman Vice President : Dato’ Dr. Norain Karim Secretary I : Dr. Effat Omar Secretary II : Dr. Wan Faiziah Wan Abdul Rahman Treasurer : Dr. Lee Bang Rom Committee Members : Dr. Arni Talib Prof. Dr. Sabariah Abd Rahman Datin Dr. Nik Raihan Nik Mustapha Prof. Dr. Wong Kum Thong Dr. Ahmad Toha Samsudin Also present: Dr Mukarramah Binti Che Ayub Prof dr Sabariah Abdul Rahman Dr Norhidayah Abu Bakar Dr Wan Faiziah Wan Abdul Rahman Dr Hasnan Jaafar AP Dr Mutum Samarendra Dr Ch'ng Ewe Seng Dr Effat Omar Dr Faezahtul Arbaeyah Hussain
On 15 th May 2017, another milestone was achieved. We established our own Quality Assurance Program [IAPMDQAP]. The trial run was conducted in 2015. The establishment was under the guidance of Department of Standard Malaysia and we hope to have it internationally recognized by having ISO17043 accreditation certification. We started with General Module [two runs per cycle] and on July 15 th , 2020, we launched Dermato-pathology Module [one run per cycle]. We plan to include Technical Module including immunohistochemistry as well. The subscribers of this QAP programs are from Malaysian public, university and private pathology laboratories.
A relatively recent academic activity is ‘Weekend with IAPMD Live’, a short discourse on specific topic of histopathology given by Malaysian pathologists who have undergone sub-specialty training in specific area, given in a relaxed virtual environment. Besides academic activities, we also have engagement with public, university and school students, educating them on pathology and role of pathologists in annual event called National Pathology Day. IAPMD activities often have joint activities with other societies such College of Pathologists Academy of Medicine Malaysia, WASPALM [ World association of Pathologists and Laboratory Medicine ] and Malaysian Society of Cytology and few more.
In 2023, Malaysian Division will host the 13 th Asia Pacific IAP Congress. All these information, activities and more could be viewed on our website www.iapmd.net.
Written on July 23 rd 2021 by,
Professor Dr Nor Hayati Othman President, International Academy of Pathology [Malaysian Division]
September 2024